• demo1

    demo demo demo

    Course Development

  • Positive Learning Scenario

    this is a scenario incorporating positive computing/ positive psychology elements to address the challenges of technostress

    Start from Scratch

  • Unipro Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd

    Unipro Tech Solutions (P) Ltd is a leading System Integration Service Provider in the field of AIDC ( Auto identification & data capture) Bar Coding, RFID, Wireless and Mobile Computing technologies. Leading systems integrator & solution provider in Auto ID technologies (Barcode, Mobile computing, RFID, EAS & labeling solutions) to aid organizations efficiently move goods and information across the supply chain and improve business productivity, and profits. We develop user specific solutions for Warehouse & Inventory Management, Point of Sale, Work–in- Process Tracking, Shipping & Distribution, Sales Force Automation and Transportation and integrate them with ERP's (SAP, Baan, Oracle) or custom applications. https://uniprotech.co.in/

    Start from Scratch

  • Logopedinės pratybos

    S-Š garsų diferencijavimas

    Educational project

  • Emocijos ir jausmai

    Įvardink savo emocijas ir jausmus

    Educational project

  • Ekologija

    Buitines atliekas išrūšiuoti. Elektronikos atliekas surinkti ir perduoti į perdirbimo centrus. Švarinti aplinką. Sodinti medelius.

    Course Development

  • English: consolidation of the chapter

    Global issues: students create presentations choosing one of the topic related to global issues.

    Start from Scratch

  • Calculadoras online

    Recopilación de las mejores calculadoras online en español.

    Start from Scratch

  • 自动化编码


    Start from Scratch

  • Lowtec Solarenergienutzung fuer arme Laender

    Menschen in Laendern mit viel Sonne sind meist nicht vermoegend (nicht nur geizig) und koennen grosse Investitionen fuer zum Beispiel einen Solarwaermekolektor auf dem Dach ueberhaupt nicht bezahlen. Sie ziehen es vor, lieber jeden Monat eine hohe Stromrechnung zu bezahlen, wenn sie einen Elektroboiler haben. Deshalb habe ich ein "Bausatz", den man meist in den Laendern direkt guenstig im dortigem Handel kaufen kann, weil er fasst nur aus Standardteilen (bis auf einen kleinen Trick) besteht. Das technologischste daran ist ein ca. 2 Euro PV-Solarpaneel (9V 2,5Watt), dass eine kleine Aquariumumwaelzpumpe (ca. 5 Euro) mit gleicher Spannung und Leistung speisst. In sonnigen Laendern, wie zum Beispiel Zentral-Chile (Nie Frost) genuegt es, einen 50 m Gartenschlauch (ca. 16 Euro) auf das Wellblechdach (haben dort 80% der Haeuser) kunstvoll auszulegen, um 1kW Sonne einzufangen. Der Thermosbehaelter vom Boiler dient dann als Speicher. Nur Wissenstransfer ist echte Hilfe.

    Innovation Project

  • Aufwachen!

    Hallo, so ein gutes Projekt wie dieses hier darf nicht einfach so "versanden". Werbung machen, in Netzwerken verlinken, usw.

    Start from Scratch

  • Health Care

    I give support that make easy to check their hear present conditions & buy their fully medicine with cheap price. I provide this medicine door to door.

    Open Research

  • Development of a patient satisfaction assessment questionnaire

    Patient satisfaction is not a clearly defined concept.The aim is to bring together stakeholders from different areas of health care provision ( healthcare experts, representatives of patient organisations and caregivers, etc.) to first determine what aspects of healthcare provision are most likely to influence patients’ experiences and satisfaction, in order to design a patient experiences questionnaire. Specific dimensions of patient care will be investigated, including information and communication, coordination of care, respect of patient preferences, emotional support, involvement of family and friends, etc.

    Start from Scratch

  • Test

    This a test of edu-project

    Educational project

  • Idėjos antraštė

    Aprašas yra per trumpas, todėl negalima sukurti kurso

    Start from Scratch

  • Marriage Certificate Translation Services

    Certificates pose a problem during translation. First, for a certificate to be recognized it should be written (translated) in any of the official languages of the country. To give an example, a Divorce certificate translation services has to be done in English to be recognized by the USCIS (during visa processing). Secondly, certificates (and translation of those certificates) should be accurate to a tee – if it isn’t it fails the purpose of what certificate and what translations aim to be. As such let us tell you, a certified translation is what you want to get for all your certificate translations – a certified translation is accurate, and is useful during official procedures – like visa and citizenship processing, and legal proceedings. http://certificatetranslation.co/marriage-certificate-translation.php

    Start from Scratch

  • Translation Services Madison Wi

    Madison is one of the most populous and state capital cities in the U.S. State of Ohio. It is considered to be the third most packed city in the U.S, with a population of almost 892,533 in 2018. It is also known as the fast-growing city in the nation. The most spoken language in Ohio is English with an average of 93.3% and the second most spoken language is Spanish with 2.2% and the rest includes German, Chinese, Arabic, French. https://www.transcription-services-us.com/Translation-Services-Madison.php

    Start from Scratch

  • Translation Services Madison wi

    Madison is one of the most populous and state capital cities in the U.S. State of Ohio. It is considered to be the third most packed city in the U.S, with a population of almost 892,533 in 2018. It is also known as the fast-growing city in the nation. The most spoken language in Ohio is English with an average of 93.3% and the second most spoken language is Spanish with 2.2% and the rest includes German, Chinese, Arabic, French. The city has diverse set of languages based on the population. In such a city, it is must to have a translation services to make life easier and comfortable. As a result, translation services madison wi arrived with number of professional native translators. For More Information go to: https://www.transcription-services-us.com/Translation-Services-Madison.php

    Start from Scratch

  • Spanish Translation Services

    Translation is the process of translating from a source language to the target language. Translation is required because mostly everyone prefers their native language. Also, certified document translation services is required for documents, while immigrating to the U.S for studying or living there.

    Start from Scratch

  • Mars

    Let's feed Mars

    Innovation Project

  • Get best Probate and trust administration easily.

    Probate and trust administration brings these ethics on its platform by helping elderly people in taking guardianship, Medicaid planning, probate, and estate planning. for more visit at https://probateandelderlawfirm.com/practice-areas/probate-and-trust-administration/

    Start from Scratch

  • Cloud Based E-commerce Order Management Software | Warehouse Management |Unicommerce

    Unicommerce is a cloud-based inventory management and omnichannel & multichannel order management system that provides complete warehouse management solutions for online and offline sales.

    Innovation Project

  • Find the Number one selling Best Clamping Kits online at best price

    Best clamping kits prevent movement and separation during inward pressure. It results in accurate resistance and repeatability. The small looking parts of best clamping kits bring enhancement of the machine’s capability. Get full detail, please visit the website http://www.raycofixture.com

    Start from Scratch

  • Wetlands Project

    This project can be used to teach children about the importance of wetlands, and the effects that climate change can have on them. The power point included discusses boht the different types of wetlands, the benefits they have on the environment, and the effects of climate change. Also included are plans for a planter, which can give students a visual demonstration as to how wetlands can filter pollutants out of the water.

    Start from Scratch

  • Learing WebAssembly

    The web platform is getting a new low-level binary compile format that will do a better job at being a compiler target than JavaScript.

    Course Development

  • Educational Tourism proposal

    Develop a proposal for an online course to introduce stakeholders from the tourism sector to Educational Tourism (ET). The course will provide a brief introduction to Educational Tourism (definition and examples) discuss the current and emerging forms of ET, including its market potential, and provide guidance for its successful implementation.

    Educational project

  • society 2.0

    A web platform that learns from wikipedia and similar collaborative to bring collaboration to a new level. The platform to design, promote and implement a new way of living together, in peace among ourselves and with the worlds resources. Don't know yet how exactly do this, for this I need you!

    Innovation Project

  • Estancia Internacional: Movimiento Educativo Abierto

    La Cátedra UNESCO/ICDE Movimiento Educativo Abierto para América Latina y el Grupo de Investigación e Innovación en Educación de la Escuela de Humanidades y Educación del Tecnológico de Monterrey convocan A profesores, estudiantes de posgrado, investigadores, administradores educativos y formadores interesados en la innovación de ambientes de aprendizaje a la estancia internacional 2017.

    Start from Scratch

  • Change Management - Anchoring and incorporating changes into the culture

    The final stage in Kotter’s eight stage process for creating major change is to make the change permanent - to embed it in the culture of the organisation, making the change "the way we do things around here"

    Open Research

  • Change Management - Consolidating change

    Step 7 of Kotter's change model focuses on the change process which is not as linear as the steps may suggest; you need to continue to create urgency, engage and revitalise your guiding coalition, revise your strategy, and ensure actions are being completed and celebrated.

    Open Research

  • Change Management - Generating short term wins

    Step 6 of Kotter is all about celebrating short-term wins in order to build momentum and enthusiasm for the change.

    Open Research

  • Everyone, Each Branch are Guaranteed: Open Education & Open Workplace

    Everyone, Each Branch are Guaranteed: Open Education & Open Workplace. Her Bireye, Her Dalda Garanti: Açık Eğitim & Açık İşyeri. Anyone, each branch who finishes certain online, open courses must still be guaranteed a online, remote job, certificate, diploma. Çevrimiçi belirli dersleri bitiren her bireye, her dalda yine çevrimiçi iş, sertifika, diploma olanağının garanti edilmesi gerekir.

    Educational project

  • PocIT

    Création d'un POC utilisant des technologies modernes. L'objectif est de comprendre et maîtriser des nouvelles technologies, afin les mettre au service des ambitions de l'entreprise.

    Innovation Project

  • Amazon - Best Practices in Supply Chain Management

    The idea space - Case study Amazon - will collect ideas and information about the core competences of Amazon in the area of Supply Chain Management. Students, professors and other participants can share their ideas and upload information, such as research papers, videos and publications under this idea space.

    Open Research

  • Mass Customization in the Fashion and Textile Industry

    The case study miadidas compiles information about mass customization and future trends in online trading. Students and teachers collect information and ideas about mass customization and prerequisites of supply chain management in this idea space.

    Open Research

  • Teaching Tools Pyramid

    Like healthy food pyramid, teachers may follow the teaching tools pyramid, which shows us the percentage of teaching tools in regards to theoretical or practical subjects. A good, mean full & logic teaching process is one of the critical points which lead to reach the learning goals in proper way. Teachers use many kinds of teaching tools, which are dealing directly with the learning requirements, so they should design an advanced teaching strategy, in regards to the teaching tools and how, where, when use them during the teaching process. Teaching Tools Pyramid, designed as a road map for the major tools, or tool’s group and its percentage from 100% of teaching process.

    Educational project

  • Nature Watching

    How to improve nature- and wildlife experiences using new observation techniques such as drones and thermal cameras and new display technologies? We intend to enhance the experience of nature tourism for certain aspects by the use of new technologies, in particular using drones and digital services. Our initial idea is about the creation of new experiences for nature travelers for wild-life watching and observation of natural phenomena. We intend to create new possibilities of observation but also new ways of experiencing those in a mixed real and digital space.

    Innovation Project

  • Evolution in Space

    Where to look for life in space

    Educational project

  • Case study - Cross cultural management - Microsoft

    To study/explain the approach in order to explain cross cultural management importance in the case of Microsoft

    Start from Scratch

  • Integrationsseminar Geschäftsmodell Thermomix

    Geschäftsmodell Thermomix in die USA transferieren

    Start from Scratch

  • Business in Progress

    In search for a start-up company

    Start from Scratch

  • HOWTO idea-space

    A how-to aiming to introduce new users to the idea-space platform. Feel free to discuss, contribute, ask questions or request new features.

    Start from Scratch

  • HRM - How to retain high potentials

    How to retain high potentials

    Start from Scratch

  • Help my to structure my idea !

    How can i create an idea and improve it . From Idea to a real project

    Course Development

  • Lab for people

    how to create a space for collaborators to develop their skills ( Hard and soft) learn about new methodology like lean start up and create a real community for innovation and culture change.

    Start from Scratch

  • Change Management - Empower Broad Based Action

    More than 70% of all major transformation efforts fail. Why? Because organizations do not take a consistent, holistic approach to changing themselves, nor do they engage their workforces effectively. How equip organizations with the ability to execute their own large-scale change? What methods are working?

    Educational project

  • Change Management - Communication

    More than 70% of all major transformation efforts fail. Why? Because organizations do not take a consistent, holistic approach to changing themselves, nor do they engage their workforces effectively. How equip organizations with the ability to execute their own large-scale change? What methods are working?

    Educational project

  • Change Management - Develop a Change Vision and Strategy

    More than 70% of all major transformation efforts fail. Why? Because organizations do not take a consistent, holistic approach to changing themselves, nor do they engage their workforces effectively. How equip organizations with the ability to execute their own large-scale change? What methods are working?

    Educational project

  • Change Management - Build Guiding Coalition

    More than 70% of all major transformation efforts fail. Why? Because organizations do not take a consistent, holistic approach to changing themselves, nor do they engage their workforces effectively. How equip organizations with the ability to execute their own large-scale change? What methods are working?

    Educational project

  • Change Mangement - Create a Sense of Urgency

    More than 70% of all major transformation efforts fail. Why? Because organizations do not take a consistent, holistic approach to changing themselves, nor do they engage their workforces effectively. How equip organizations with the ability to execute their own large-scale change? Students will describe the key processes, outlining the largest errors that can doom these efforts and explaining the general lessons that encourage success.

    Educational project

  • Marketing Project

    something with fashion

    Start from Scratch

  • Technologies for Freelancers

    A CommonSpaces OER collection project. The final objective is to create learning paths for freelancers who want to make the most of ICT for their professional development.

    Start from Scratch

  • Collaboration space for MIS-SAD A2 Team

    A location away from workplace distractions where we can cultivate and share our knowledge and ideas.

    Start from Scratch

  • System Analysis Project

    Development of a plan for the use of an ERP from a small company

    Start from Scratch

  • SAD Project A2

    To collaborate and exchange knowledge during the development of our Project.

    Educational project

  • ID4BM - Testprojekt


    Course Development

  • SCM

    Bachelorarbeit über das Thema Supply Chain Management bei S&S GmbH

    Open Research

  • Cracking the code of Mass-Customization

    The target group for the idea-space - case study BMW - are students and experts interested in innovative process management and innovation trends in the automotive industry. The core of the research is - Supply Chain Management.

    Open Research

  • Fast Fashion Case Study

    The primary objective of the fast fashion is to quickly produce a product in a cost efficient manner to respond to fast changing consumer tastes in as near real-time as possible. Students and researchers will study public case studies and reserach papers in order to compare best practices in the area of category and supply chain management at leading companies such as H&M and Zara.

    Open Research


    The idea of integration renewable energy sources and battery storage.

    Start from Scratch

  • EduImpact

    EduImpact unser Raum zur Kollaboration zwischen den Educamps.

    Start from Scratch

  • 6ο Έτος - Εφαρμοσμένη Πληροφορική

    Σημειώσεις Φοιτητών.

    Educational project

  • Aerospace industry cluster - EUROPE

    The business cluster "Aerospace" is a sectorial concentration of interconnected businesses, suppliers, and associated institutions in the aerospace industry in Europe. Clusters are considered to increase the productivity with which companies can compete, nationally and globally. Clusters are also very important aspects of strategic management. Researchers and students will describe the competitive advantages of European aerospace clusters.

    Open Research

  • Theorectial background on industry clusters in Europe and USA

    The business cluster theory describes a concentration of interconnected businesses, suppliers, and associated institutions in the aerospace industry. Clusters are considered to increase the productivity with which companies can compete, nationally and globally. Clusters are also very important aspects of strategic management.

    Start from Scratch

  • Biotec pharma industry cluster - EUROPE

    The business cluster "Biotec-Pharma" is a sectoral concentration of interconnected businesses, suppliers, and associated institutions in the pharma industry cluster in Europe. Clusters are considered to increase the productivity with which companies can compete, nationally and globally. Clusters are also very important aspects of strategic management. Researchers and students will describe the competitive advantages of European biotec pharma clusters.

    Open Research

  • ICT industry cluster- EUROPE

    The business cluster "ICT" is a sectoral concentration of interconnected businesses, suppliers, and associated institutions in the information industry. Clusters are considered to increase the productivity with which companies can compete, nationally and globally. Clusters are also very important aspects of strategic management. Researchers and students will descirbe the competitive advantages of European automotive clusters.

    Open Research

  • Automotive Industry Cluster - Europe

    The business cluster "Automotive" is a geographic concentration of interconnected businesses, suppliers, and associated institutions in the automotive industry. Clusters are considered to increase the productivity with which companies can compete, nationally and globally. Clusters are also very important aspects of strategic management. Researchers and students will descirbe the competitive advantages of European automotive clusters.

    Open Research

  • Ανάλυση και Σχεδίαση Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων

    Μάθημα που διδάσκεται στα πλαίσια του τμήματος Εφαρμοσμένης Πληροφορικής στο Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας. Το μάθημα στοχεύει στην ανάπτυξη αναλυτικών και συνθετικών δεξιοτήτων μέσα από την κατανόηση και εφαρμογή σύγχρονων μεθόδων για την Ανάλυση και Σχεδίαση Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων (ΑΣΠΣ) με χρήση της Ενοποιημένες Γλώσσας Μοντελοποίησης - Unified Modeling Language (UML).

    Course Development

  • Intelectual organisation

    This project has been funded by Erasmus + programme of the European Union. This OER reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

    Course Development

  • Linguacamp 2015 session proposals

    EN: LinguaCamp - the unconference There is no audience, only participants October 3 & 4, 2015 in Berlin Meet people from abroad, teach your language, learn their language, try out new methods and technologies, exchange knowledge, design new teaching material, build intercultural understanding and teaching skills, and share your work. All levels, all languages, all ages are welcome! The conference will be held in German, English, and French (and maybe even your language)! More Info: http://linguacamp.com Sign up: http://linguacamp2015.eventbrite.de Please post your session proposals here: Note: You can suggest a session in any language (Please use ISO-Code for your language, e.g. EN, FR, DE)

    Start from Scratch

  • Ανάλυση και Σχεδιασμός Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων

    Μάθημα που διδάσκεται στα πλαίσια του Διατμηματικού Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα. Κύριος στόχος είναι η θεωρητική κατάρτιση και η ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων Ανάλυσης και Σχεδιασμού Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων (ΑΣΠΣ).

    Course Development

  • Greek Language Course

    This is a Greek language course based on a an episode of a children's film of 1983. The course is addressed to adults students of level B2. The basic idea is to motivate the students, to engage them into a converstaion about films of their childhood in their countries and to help them boost their vocabulary. The final goal is each of them to be able to play a taboo game , in which the new vocabulary is applied. New ideas about activities or anything else are warmly acceptable ! :)

    Course Development

  • Greek Language Course

    This Greek language course aims to improve listening, writing,speaking skills , to improve total comprehension of the language and to boost the vocabulary. The 3 hours course is based on a video of a cult children film, produced in 1983 and is completed with a taboo game among the students. Level:B2

    Start from Scratch

  • MScEB - Reserach Methods - QUAL

    Needs to be added

    Educational project

  • Ανάλυση και Σχεδίαση Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων

    Το μάθημα θα διδάσκεται κάθε Δευτέρα 19:30-21:30.

    Start from Scratch

  • Policies for OER uptake

    Policies are a very strong tool for introducing open standards for educational resources. Once adopted by a public institution, they provide a rule or requirement for creating or using OERs. The goal of this idea space is to discuss and develop model policies for OER uptake.

    Start from Scratch

  • Educamp ideas go Global

    Finding ways to get your OER related ideas globally heard. Setting an action for 1 month where the OEI project supports getting visibility and the best collaborators to develop your idea further.

    Start from Scratch

  • Integration of Refugees: How to make use of Open Education for integrating refugees

    How can OER contribute to improve the situation of refugees in Europe? How can we create access even in chaotic situations? Which topics and concrete OER can help refugees to directly improve their situation and support integration?

    Educational project

  • Bilderwörterbuch für Flüchtlinge

    Eine Sammlung an einfachen Icons zur Verständigung mit nach Deutschland ankommenden Flüchtlingen. Ziel: Ohne Sprachkenntnnisse sich rudimentär zu verständigen.


  • Digitales Lernen für Erwachsene - Level: Brainstorming

    Unser grobes Ziel: Wir entwickeln einen Kurs, der Erwachsenen einen Zugang zum digitalen Lernen ermöglicht. Hier aber sammeln wir erst einmal Ideen, ganz frei, ohne Vorgaben, jeder aus seinem Stand und seiner Interpretation aus.

    Course Development

  • Exploring the dimensions of openness

    This 'idea space' introduces the dimensions of open education for higher education institutions (OpenEdu 2015). They are part of the OpenEdu framework on openness, which is being developed by DG JRC IPTS on behalf of DG EAC. The dimensions are briefly presented and participants are welcome to comment on them and discuss how they fit their institutional contexts for the purpose of open education strategic development.

    Start from Scratch

  • Launching European OER awards - A question of quality

    Dedicated work of educators and institutions to create, share and remix open educational resources most often goes without any official valorisation. A workshops will be given qt the 7th September at the OEI2 conference and sets out to gather ideas and bring together interested individuals in order to change that. It starts out with a presentation and outline of the session. Participants will introduce themselves, their interests and personal goals for the workshop on the theme Launching European OER awards- A question of quality. A short introduction on OER will be given, followed by input on the current state of the art on OER and quality to serve as a common ground for further discussion and contributions.

    Start from Scratch

  • Open Badges for Open Education

    What role can Open Badges play in the Open Education ecosystem? How can Open Badges enhance Open Education? What are the conditions for change?

    Start from Scratch


    Sukurta įgyvendinant Erasmus+ programos projektą „Atviras profesinis bendradarbiavimas“. Šis projektas finansuojamas remiant Europos Komisijai. Šis kūrinys atspindi tik autorių požiūrį, todėl Komisija negali būti atsakinga už bet kokį jame pateikiamos informacijos naudojimą.

    Course Development

  • Computer Course, first grade

    The goal is to create an innovative course on computer basics for kids in the first grade...please share experiences, good practices, examples - the course will be held in German, so all materials need to be open to be translated.

    Course Development

  • Διαχείριση Έργων Πληροφορικής

    Μάθημα που διδάσκεται στα πλαίσια του Διατμηματικού Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) στα Πληροφοριακά Συστήματα. Κύριος στόχος είναι να γίνει επισκόπηση της θεωρίας μέσα από την πρακτική εξάσκηση στην αντιμετώπιση των σύγχρονων προκλήσεων που αντιμετωπίζονται στη διαχείριση έργων Τεχνολογίας Πληροφοριών (IT project management).

    Course Development

  • Lernen unterwegs

    Lernen mit dem Computer, den wir immer bei uns haben.

    Educational project

  • How to Create Your Own Internet Radio Station

    There are a number of simple ways to make an Internet Radio Station involving nothing more than some free software and a microphone attached to your computer.

    Course Development

  • Seminar Leeuwarden: 7-8 October 2015, Open Learning in Minority Languages: Chances and Perspectives

    On the 7th and 8th of October 2015, the seminar of workpackage 5 is taking place in Leeuwarden: Open Learning in Minority Languages, Chances and Perspectives. Everyone is invites to give a contribution to further develop the programme and shape the direction.


  • Zara Supply Chain - Case Study

    Zara, the largest brand under its mother company Inditex, is known worldwide for having one of the most responsive supply chain. Owning the title of the pioneer in the Fast Fashion Industry and having an extraordinarly enveloped vertical integration, Zara is able to bring new products to the stores within two weeks. That is what makes them competitive, even when comparing Zara to Gucci, Prada and Luis Vuitton. Students were invited to discover History of Zara, their role in a Fast Fashion Industry, company's Supply Chain Management and Indicators of Business Success.

    Course Development

  • Improving existing courses with audio and visual files

    The program Shipping Management will be improved with the addition of videos by the authors

    Educational project

  • Mapping the Nordic OER scene - interventions for change

    This is an open activity to discuss the Nordic context for Open Education. To identify key challenges, to map the current initiatives and activities and finally, find ways to overcome some of the critical challenges as a joint activity

    Start from Scratch

  • e-class handbook

    e-class handbook


  • Vereinbarung von Familie und Beruf

    Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es Familie und Beruf zu verbinden?

    Start from Scratch

  • Imagewandel - Analyse der Qualitätsoffensive 2015 bei der Firma Lidl

    In Kooperation mit den Professoren und Betreuern wird die Plattform Idea Space genutzt, um eine Projektarbeit im 2. Semester an der DHBW Heilbronn zu erstellen.

    Open Research

  • Freikost Deinet ("Unverpackt") (Bonn)

    - Geschichte & Struktur der Firma - Zahlen, Daten, Fakten - Erläuterung des Konzeptes - Worauf sollte man achten? Highlights des Konzeptes? - 1-2 Aufgaben für alle Studenten stellen, die dann danach im Bus oder am Abend besprochen & moderiert werden - etc.

    Start from Scratch

  • Burj Khalifa - Project Management study

    Burj Khalifa, known as Burj Dubai before its inauguration, is a skyscraper in Dubai. It is the tallest man-made structure in the world, standing at 829.8 m (2,722 ft). The idea space invites students and teachers to share their knowledge about project management in large scale construction projects.

    Open Research

  • Columbia - Space Shuttle - Project Management Case Study

    Space Shuttle Columbia (NASA Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-102) was the first space-rated Space Shuttle in NASA's orbiter fleet. The idea space provides information about project management challenges and failures.

    Open Research

  • Airbus - company and case study analysis

    In this idea space, students and teachers will collaborate in teh case study research of the Airbus A3xxx project in order to illustrate the basic economics of large projects and the complexity in estimating even top-line demand for products with useful lives of up to 50 years and to illustrate the role of governments in large projects, both as investors and as customers

    Open Research

  • OERup! Training

    the OERup! project (www.oerup.eu) develops a blended-learning training programme for adult education teaching professionals as well as staff and management of adult learning institutions. Aim is to support the use and development of OER, and the implementation of OEP in adult learning.

    Course Development

  • IT Project Management

    This is a course for a Master of Information Systems curiculum

    Course Development

  • Systems Analysis and Design

    This is a course for a Master of Information Systems (MIS) curiculum

    Course Development

  • Open Data as Open Educational Resources

    Space to share good practices in the use of open data as teaching and learning resources. Our aim is to collect case studies regarding pedagogical uses of open data across the world.

    Start from Scratch

  • Cyber-security competences

    Setting a research agenda and project plan for cyber-security competences.

    Educational project

  • Market and case study analysis of the company Apple

    The Company Apple is a textbook example of "Best Practices" in the area of Marketing and Product Innovation. Educators, students and other collaborators will collect relevant data from various sources in order to provide ideas for market researchers and students working with case studies in the classroom.

    Open Research

  • Reviewing & extending training materials on OER

    This idea space is run by LangOER - an initiative to enhance teaching and learning of less used languages through OER/Open educational practice (OEP). After having run an online training for language educators on open educational resources, we would like to revise and extend our training materials. Please join if you are: - a language teacher interested in OER/OEP - have developed materials for teacher training on OER/OEP yourself and would like to remix Every good idea and helping hand is welcome.


  • Topics for Master's Theses for BIS Chair

    Sharing topics for Master's Theses for BIS Chair at ESCP Europe Berlin Examples of suggested topics: - Digitalization of Big Data - Outsourcing - HR - Social Media

    Open Research

  • IS Course Development

    Collaborativly developing an IS course for MEB students at the ESCP Europe Berlin. - Literature suggestion - Outline, components, and structue - Final syllabus

    Course Development

  • Early idea sharing, open education and emotional ownership - Launching a study

    Joint effort to study emotional ownership and attachment in virtual communities. Join in to plan nice studies and collaborative writing on the topic.

    Open Research

  • Working towards multilinguality in the OER world

    To discuss collaboration between the OER world map team and the LangOER team towards improving and supporting crowd translations of the projects and its platforms

    Start from Scratch

  • Case Study Amazon

    Development of a case study of Amazon

    Course Development

  • Case study development BMW

    Students and teachers are invited to add information to our case study about the BMW industry

    Course Development

  • Case study Benetton

    Students and professors are invited to share ideas about the supply chain of Benetton. Including descriptions about the fast fashion industry and supply chain of the biggest retailer such as Zara, H&M.

    Course Development

  • Case Study: Zara's Supply Chain

    Zara - Managing Stores for Fast Fashion Draft Table of Contents includes Historical Background of Zara (1), The Fast Fashion Industry (2), Supply Chain Management at Zara , H&M and Benetton (3), Zara's Supply Chain Management (4), and Zara Today (5). The Case Study Approach includes Study of three Cases, Internet Research, Preparation of a PP-presentation 35-45 pages, Writing a 2 pages Term Paper on Word Online, and Presentation of results 35 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion.

    Course Development

  • MiAdidas and mass customization

    Students share their ideas how to develop a case study and provide relevant information to the topic miadidas. But, it is not only about Adidas and the idea of miadidas, it is about mass customization in usual too. Creating an own individual product gets more and more important. This case will explain what mass customization is all about and how it could be in future.

    Course Development

  • Case Study Starbucks

    In dieser Fallstudie soll die Supply-Chain der Unternehmung Starbucks untersucht, analysiert und vorgestellt werden. Ferner sollen Umsätze, Wettbewerber sowie Chancen und Risiken der Branche aufgezeigt werden.

    Course Development

  • case study development H&M

    Students and Professors are invited to develop a case study about the Fast Fashion industry in H&M.

    Course Development

  • Case Study Amazon

    Development of a case study of Amazon

    Start from Scratch

  • Case Study Starbucks

    Supply Chain of Starbucks



    A Master degree course in Education management ready for virtual mobility, 6 ECTS.

    Course Development

  • Development of case study - Cross Cultural Management - Company Pepsi Co.

    Students are invited to share their ideas how to develop a case study and use various sources to collect information about the company Pepsi. Co.

    Educational project

  • Cross-Cultural Management at Microsoft-Nokia

    Students and professors share their ideas how to develop a case study and provide relevant information to the topic in the merger of Microsoft and Nokia. Special attention is given to cross-cultural-management in Mergers & Acquisitions.

    Open Research

  • Cross-Cultural Management Case Study - L'Oréal

    Students and professors are invited to share their ideas and develop a case study about the company L'Oréal. Participants will upload information and case study materials and share their ideas how to further develop the company case.

    Start from Scratch

  • Case Study Development - CCM Haier and Huawei in China

    The "idea-space" will be used to collect ideas, case material and other company related documents to develop and present the results of two company cases in China.

    Start from Scratch

  • Case Study Development - CCM Nissan

    The "idea space" will be used to collect ideas, material and final results of a specific case study on Cross-Cultural-Management.

    Start from Scratch

  • Healthy School

    Brainstorming on a new project for health promotion and active lifestyle in education.

    Educational project

  • idea-space playground idea

    A sandbox idea intended to showcase the various editing/collaboration features of the idea space platform. Feel free to join and play around with the features.

    Course Development

  • Course Creation: E-Learning Basics

    The aim of the course is to understand how to develop high quality e-learning solutions. It should cover the whole development process including designing contents, didactics and user interfaces.

    Course Development

  • Planung eines OER-Events in Deutschland im Herbst/Winter 2015

    Nach OERde 2013 und 2014 möchten wir in der 2.Hälfte dieses Jahres eine Veranstaltung rund um freie Bildungsmaterialien organisieren. Wer Ideen und Vorschläge hat und/oder aktiv bei der Planung und Organisation mitwirken möchte ist herzlich eingeladen sich hier auszutauschen.

    Start from Scratch

  • Course Creation: IT Service Management for Bachelor Students

    I intend to build a new course on IT service management which should be freely available and re-usable for colleagues. I am sharing the full planning documents and later on the results - the (future) course is intended to be developed as OER using a creative commons license (for non commercial purposes). Would you be interested in joining a collaborative course development? This document describes the initial idea and planning phase. A second document will contain the detailed course planning: In other words: I would like to build on existing OER and your expertise - in turn I will provide all the materials to be developed as well as experiences, feedback and hopefully new ideas.

    Course Development

  • Web Design & Web Development

    This Web Design & Web Development course will teach you HTML, HTML 5, and Cascading Stylesheeyts (CSS). It is aimed at complete beginners to the subject, and assumes you have no knowledge of creating web pages.

    Course Development

  • OER Workshop Fallstudie (MABB)

    Hier wird im Rahmen eines Workshops eine Idee zur Entwicklung von OER entwickelt und diskutiert.

    Course Development

  • ict application in tourism

    The integration of IT into the organizational fabric of the destination marketing organization (DMO) and other principals of tourism local development, is an important key to success. It is difficult for most principals however, to keep pace with the evolution of new technologies, the emergence of innovative advertising strategies, the changes in the consumer market, and the growing competition due to increasing globalization. They often have to struggle with limited financial and human resources, a lack of technological expertise, and time constraints. The question on how to move from the current way of doing business to one that is responsive to these changes becomes of vital concern and impacts the way regional tourism destinations are promoted and developed. The challenge for the tourism operator is to provide accurate, localised data, increasingly via IT, whilst maintaining a trust relationship with the tourist.

    Course Development

  • Research Methods for Business Students

    The idea is to develope a course for master's students that on the one hand meets the schools' needs that students can do research on their own and write a good master's thesis. And on the other hand there should be a direct linkage to student's needs writing a master's thesis.

    Course Development

  • Improve the current layout of OEI2

    participate in giving some feedback

    Course Development

  • exercises with solutions for satndard courses in mathematics

    Collect and share common questions and exercises in the standard mathematical courses which are essential students in other fields like ingineering, economy or other sciences

    Course Development

  • Knowledge Management

    Knowledge Management in a Business Company

    Course Development

  • flying car

    flying car is easier than going into traffic and make some accident and injure people. it is safer to commute in the sky rather than on land.

    Course Development

  • Tool to test Test Cases

    create a tool to automatically test Test Cases

    Course Development

  • Paper KPO

    KPO is Knowledge Process Outsourcing, aim of the paper is defining KPO processes

    Course Development

  • Introduction to Management of Change

    This course will help managers understand how Organisational Change affects everyone in their company, from CEO's to janitors. We will present ideas and methods to better illuminate this unavoidable aspect of an organisation's life.

    Course Development

  • Organisational Strategy and Change

    Our aim is to present ideas and strategies that can be used in times of organisational change. Considering Change of any sort is inevitable during the life cycle of any organisation, helping everyone transition smoothly is of the utmost importance.

    Course Development

  • Crowdscouting

    The main idea is to develop an app which allow football fans, parents, trainers and teams to submit and discuss about talented young players...the idea is to promote those talents to interested football clubs while rewarding the original proposers...

    Course Development

  • Games & Simulation

    Games & Simulation in Economics and Business

    Course Development

  • Data Science

    This course outlines methods, frameworks and tools of the newly established data science topic.

    Course Development

  • Enterprise Architectures

    This course aims to exploit enterprise architecture frameworks, methods and tools for aligning information systems with the organisations goals.

    Course Development

  • Advanced Information Systems

    A course that exploits state-of-the-art technologies (such as Web 2.0, cloud computing, internet of things, semantic web including linked open data, etc.) for organisations to gain competitive advantage.

    Course Development

  • How to Learn Qt

    Qt is an application development framework based on C++. Traditionally, C++ is the major programming language used to develop with Qt.

    Course Development

  • Debating Club Economics

    Students debate current economic issues

    Course Development

  • Course Development for Statistics for Business Students

    Development of an introductionary course for business students

    Course Development

  • Course Creation: Intercultural Management

    We intend to build a new course on Intercultural Management which should be freely available and re-usable for colleagues. All planning documents will be shared. The future virtual course is intended to be developed as an OER (for non-commercial purposes). Would you be interested in joining a collaborative course development - from syllabus to course material- for Intercultural Management? In the workspace all planning phases can be seen and discussed. Here we can all profit by our expertise from the different countries. So please don´t hesitate to develop, share experiences, give one another feedback and to create new ideas concerning Intercultural Management.

    Course Development

  • IT in Education

    A course for educators about using IT for Technology enhanced learning

    Course Development

  • Integrating OER in curriculum


    Course Development

  • Virtual mobility curriculum designing

    Training material development

    Course Development

  • BOLDIC e-Handbook

    What issues should a BOLDIC e-Handbook on best practices include? How to disseminate what is going on with OER in Nordic and Baltic countries? What collaboration could we do around this? If you are an OER enthusiast from any Nordic or Baltic country (or just interested in such countries), feel free to join the idea development and let's see what we can get out of it.

    Course Development

  • Photography course

    Lets create an e-TextBook on photoghraphy to be used for the University UOA

    Course Development