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Peer learning and connecting minds around open education

This platform is a place to find others to connect and work together on open education from the very beginning when bouncing around ideas to the final outcome – whether this is an open course or open textbook or anything else that helps to open up education.

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Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views of the OEI2 consortium, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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    Positive Learning Scenario

    this is a scenario incorporating positive computing/ positive psychology elements to address the challenges of technostress

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    Unipro Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd

    Unipro Tech Solutions (P) Ltd is a leading System Integration Service Provider in the field of AIDC ( Auto identification & data capture) Bar Coding, RFID, Wireless and Mobile Computing technologies. Leading systems integrator & solution provider in Auto ID technologies (Barcode, Mobile computing, RFID, EAS & labeling solutions) to aid organizations efficiently move goods and information across the supply chain and improve business...

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    Logopedinės pratybos

    S-Š garsų diferencijavimas

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    Emocijos ir jausmai

    Įvardink savo emocijas ir jausmus