Lets create an e-TextBook on photoghraphy to be used for the University UOA
KPO is Knowledge Process Outsourcing, aim of the paper is defining KPO processes
Knowledge Management in a Business Company
Collect and share common questions and exercises in the standard mathematical courses which are essential students in other fields like ingineering, economy or other sciences
The idea is to develope a course for master's students that on the one hand meets the schools' needs that students can do research on their own and write a good master's thesis. And on the other hand there should be a direct linkage to student's needs writing a master's thesis.
A sandbox idea intended to showcase the various editing/collaboration features of the idea space platform. Feel free to join and play around with the features.
We intend to build a new course on Intercultural Management which should be freely available and re-usable for colleagues. All planning documents will be shared. The future virtual course is intended to be developed as an OER (for non-commercial purposes). Would you be interested in joining a collaborative course development - from syllabus to course material- for Intercultural Management? In the workspace all planning phases can be seen and discussed. Here we can all profit by our expertise from the different countries. So please don´t hesitate to develop, share experiences, give one another feedback and to create new ideas concerning Intercultural Management.
I intend to build a new course on IT service management which should be freely available and re-usable for colleagues. I am sharing the full planning documents and later on the results - the (future) course is intended to be developed as OER using a creative commons license (for non commercial purposes). Would you be interested in joining a collaborative course development? This document describes the initial idea and planning phase. A second document will contain the detailed course planning: In other words: I would like to build on existing OER and your expertise - in turn I will provide all the materials to be developed as well as experiences, feedback and hopefully new ideas.
Nach OERde 2013 und 2014 möchten wir in der 2.Hälfte dieses Jahres eine Veranstaltung rund um freie Bildungsmaterialien organisieren. Wer Ideen und Vorschläge hat und/oder aktiv bei der Planung und Organisation mitwirken möchte ist herzlich eingeladen sich hier auszutauschen.
Joint effort to study emotional ownership and attachment in virtual communities. Join in to plan nice studies and collaborative writing on the topic.
Collaborativly developing an IS course for MEB students at the ESCP Europe Berlin. - Literature suggestion - Outline, components, and structue - Final syllabus
Sharing topics for Master's Theses for BIS Chair at ESCP Europe Berlin Examples of suggested topics: - Digitalization of Big Data - Outsourcing - HR - Social Media
This idea space is run by LangOER - an initiative to enhance teaching and learning of less used languages through OER/Open educational practice (OEP). After having run an online training for language educators on open educational resources, we would like to revise and extend our training materials. Please join if you are: - a language teacher interested in OER/OEP - have developed materials for teacher training on OER/OEP yourself and would like to remix Every good idea and helping hand is welcome.
On the 7th and 8th of October 2015, the seminar of workpackage 5 is taking place in Leeuwarden: Open Learning in Minority Languages, Chances and Perspectives. Everyone is invites to give a contribution to further develop the programme and shape the direction.
A how-to aiming to introduce new users to the idea-space platform. Feel free to discuss, contribute, ask questions or request new features.