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Involved in the following ideas

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Photography course

Lets create an e-TextBook on photoghraphy to be used for the University UOA

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BOLDIC e-Handbook

What issues should a BOLDIC e-Handbook on best practices include? How to disseminate what is going on with OER in Nordic and Baltic countries? What collaboration could we do around this? If you are an OER enthusiast from any Nordic or Baltic country (or just interested in such countries), feel free to join the idea development and let's see what we can get out of it.

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idea-space playground idea

A sandbox idea intended to showcase the various editing/collaboration features of the idea space platform. Feel free to join and play around with the features.

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Course Creation: IT Service Management for Bachelor Students

I intend to build a new course on IT service management which should be freely available and re-usable for colleagues. I am sharing the full planning documents and later on the results - the (future) course is intended to be developed as OER using a creative commons license (for non commercial purposes). Would you be interested in joining a collaborative course development? This document describes the initial idea and planning phase. A second document will contain the detailed course planning: In other words: I would like to build on existing OER and your expertise - in turn I will provide all the materials to be developed as well as experiences, feedback and hopefully new ideas.

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Healthy School

Brainstorming on a new project for health promotion and active lifestyle in education.

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Early idea sharing, open education and emotional ownership - Launching a study

Joint effort to study emotional ownership and attachment in virtual communities. Join in to plan nice studies and collaborative writing on the topic.

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Course Creation: E-Learning Basics

The aim of the course is to understand how to develop high quality e-learning solutions. It should cover the whole development process including designing contents, didactics and user interfaces.

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Cyber-security competences

Setting a research agenda and project plan for cyber-security competences.

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Virtual mobility curriculum designing

Training material development

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Reviewing & extending training materials on OER

This idea space is run by LangOER - an initiative to enhance teaching and learning of less used languages through OER/Open educational practice (OEP). After having run an online training for language educators on open educational resources, we would like to revise and extend our training materials. Please join if you are: - a language teacher interested in OER/OEP - have developed materials for teacher training on OER/OEP yourself and would like to remix Every good idea and helping hand is welcome.

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Open Data as Open Educational Resources

Space to share good practices in the use of open data as teaching and learning resources. Our aim is to collect case studies regarding pedagogical uses of open data across the world.

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OERup! Training

the OERup! project (www.oerup.eu) develops a blended-learning training programme for adult education teaching professionals as well as staff and management of adult learning institutions. Aim is to support the use and development of OER, and the implementation of OEP in adult learning.

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Mapping the Nordic OER scene - interventions for change

This is an open activity to discuss the Nordic context for Open Education. To identify key challenges, to map the current initiatives and activities and finally, find ways to overcome some of the critical challenges as a joint activity

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Computer Course, first grade

The goal is to create an innovative course on computer basics for kids in the first grade...please share experiences, good practices, examples - the course will be held in German, so all materials need to be open to be translated.

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Launching European OER awards - A question of quality

Dedicated work of educators and institutions to create, share and remix open educational resources most often goes without any official valorisation. A workshops will be given qt the 7th September at the OEI2 conference and sets out to gather ideas and bring together interested individuals in order to change that. It starts out with a presentation and outline of the session. Participants will introduce themselves, their interests and personal goals for the workshop on the theme Launching European OER awards- A question of quality. A short introduction on OER will be given, followed by input on the current state of the art on OER and quality to serve as a common ground for further discussion and contributions.

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Working towards multilinguality in the OER world

To discuss collaboration between the OER world map team and the LangOER team towards improving and supporting crowd translations of the projects and its platforms

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Exploring the dimensions of openness

This 'idea space' introduces the dimensions of open education for higher education institutions (OpenEdu 2015). They are part of the OpenEdu framework on openness, which is being developed by DG JRC IPTS on behalf of DG EAC. The dimensions are briefly presented and participants are welcome to comment on them and discuss how they fit their institutional contexts for the purpose of open education strategic development.

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Educamp ideas go Global

Finding ways to get your OER related ideas globally heard. Setting an action for 1 month where the OEI project supports getting visibility and the best collaborators to develop your idea further.

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Integration of Refugees: How to make use of Open Education for integrating refugees

How can OER contribute to improve the situation of refugees in Europe? How can we create access even in chaotic situations? Which topics and concrete OER can help refugees to directly improve their situation and support integration?

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HOWTO idea-space

A how-to aiming to introduce new users to the idea-space platform. Feel free to discuss, contribute, ask questions or request new features.