Training material development
A Master degree course in Education management ready for virtual mobility, 6 ECTS.
Joint effort to study emotional ownership and attachment in virtual communities. Join in to plan nice studies and collaborative writing on the topic.
The goal is to create an innovative course on computer basics for kids in the first grade...please share experiences, good practices, examples - the course will be held in German, so all materials need to be open to be translated.
Sukurta įgyvendinant Erasmus+ programos projektą „Atviras profesinis bendradarbiavimas“. Šis projektas finansuojamas remiant Europos Komisijai. Šis kūrinys atspindi tik autorių požiūrį, todėl Komisija negali būti atsakinga už bet kokį jame pateikiamos informacijos naudojimą.
A how-to aiming to introduce new users to the idea-space platform. Feel free to discuss, contribute, ask questions or request new features.