What issues should a BOLDIC e-Handbook on best practices include? How to disseminate what is going on with OER in Nordic and Baltic countries? What collaboration could we do around this? If you are an OER enthusiast from any Nordic or Baltic country (or just interested in such countries), feel free to join the idea development and let's see what we can get out of it.
The aim of the course is to understand how to develop high quality e-learning solutions. It should cover the whole development process including designing contents, didactics and user interfaces.
Space to share good practices in the use of open data as teaching and learning resources. Our aim is to collect case studies regarding pedagogical uses of open data across the world.
This 'idea space' introduces the dimensions of open education for higher education institutions (OpenEdu 2015). They are part of the OpenEdu framework on openness, which is being developed by DG JRC IPTS on behalf of DG EAC. The dimensions are briefly presented and participants are welcome to comment on them and discuss how they fit their institutional contexts for the purpose of open education strategic development.