Relevance and need

Gepostet von raimund.hudak in category: Setting the research focus
What do we want to study, what is the problem?

Without tangible evidence that the change effort is making progress, impacted individuals and groups throughout the organisation can be critical that the initiative is absorbing too many resources and sceptics become increasingly difficult to convince. Enthusiasm can wane as the effort takes its toll. All of this results in declining urgency and a loss of crucial momentum. While vision, strategies and plans are good for a while, the most powerful argument is the visible proof that progress has been made.

Real transformation takes time. Complex efforts to change strategies or restructure businesses risk losing momentum if there are no short‑term goals to meet and celebrate. 
Most people won't go on the long march unless they see compelling evidence within six to eighteen months that the journey is producing expected results. Without short‑term wins, too many employees give up oractively join the resistance.

    Research gap

    Gepostet von raimund.hudak in category: Setting the research focus
    What is the gap in the current body of knowledge we need to address?

    Identify short-term improvements

    When working with your team and key stakeholders use the following characteristics as a guide for determining what will make the most effective short-term wins to promote and celebrate:

    • Measurable - Select those with convincing improvements not vague and fuzzy
    • Visible - People need to see real evidence of the progress to validate the change effort
    • Timely - Ideally results should appear within a ninety-day timeframe (partial or progressive results are also valid)
    • Relevant to stakeholders - Ensure the improvements are valuable to the majority of your stakeholders
    • Relevant to the situation - Wins should provide a test of the vision and change plan against real conditions so they provide useful information to learn from.



      Gepostet von raimund.hudak in category: Setting the research focus
      What is the context we need to address?

      What is a Short-term Win?

      A short-term win is an organizational improvement that can be implemented in 6 to 18 months.  An effective short-term win is not a gimmick. It is a significant organizational improvement.  A short-term win must meet three criteria:
      1. Its success must be unambiguous.
      2. It must be visible throughout the organization.
      3. It must be clearly related to the change effort.

      Take some time to work through the various needs of the stakeholders and categorise these needs by 'importance to the stakeholder' and 'ease of implementation'. 
      You can then prioritise which issues you will focus on. The majority of teams will choose to work on those that fit the criteria of the top right hand quadrant 'just do it', shifting to 'prioritise the gems', where resources and time permit.

        Research question

        Gepostet von raimund.hudak in category: Setting the research focus
        What is the research question?

        Review your change plan

        Short-term results, both positive and negative, will provide useful information about the validity and the feasibility of the change initiative. Use the results to help answer the following questions and then use the response to shape the continued direction of the change plan.
        • Are the change objectives as currently defined achievable, realistic?
        • Is the plan working? What is the evidence to support or refute?
        • What can we learn and apply from our early successes, or from areas where things are working well?
        • Are the planning estimates accurate? Where should more or less time be spent?
        • What one thing would have improved results?
        • What should be stopped?
        • Who should be given more or less responsibility?
        • What should be done to ensure further success?



          Gepostet von raimund.hudak in category: Preparation
          Identify key literature on the topic


            Research approach

            Gepostet von raimund.hudak in category: Preparation
            Define your research approach, consider validity, reliability, sampling etc.


              Prepare and collect data

              Gepostet von raimund.hudak in category: Data Collection
              Define and prepare your research data etc.

              Here some infromation can be found to be used for the presentation:

                Prepare data

                Gepostet von raimund.hudak in category: Data Analysis
                Prepare the data and distribute roles for data analysis


                  Analyze, Elaborate, iterate

                  Gepostet von raimund.hudak in category: Data Analysis
                  Analyse and elaborate on the findings, iterate and reach the key results of your research effort


                    Distribute tasks and roles

                    Gepostet von raimund.hudak in category: Article writing
                    Distribute tasks and roles for the article writing



                      Gepostet von raimund.hudak in category: Feedback and next steps
                      Submit your documents and presentation HERE: